Privacy Policy for gMonitor & Controlh


Last Updated: 2024-05


This Privacy Policy sets out how Sony Corporation, of 7-1 Konan 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan (gSonyh, gweh, gourh or gush) collects, uses, stores and otherwise processes the Collected Data (defined below) in relation to our gMonitor & Controlh mobile application (gM&Ch). It also describes your data protection rights, including the right to object to some of the processing which Sony carries out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out in Section 8 gPrivacy Rightsh below.


We also may provide you with additional information when we collect Collected Data, where we feel it would be helpful to provide relevant and timely information.


For the purposes of applicable data protection laws and regulations where the concepts of "controller" and gprocessorh are defined, Sony is the "controller" of the Collected Data described in this Privacy Policy .


gSony Group Companiesh means Sony Group Corporation, which is the ultimate parent company of Sony and any legal entities controlled by Sony Group Corporation (the term gcontrolh in this context means the direct or indirect ownership of at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting interest in such corporation or the power in fact to control the management decisions of such entity).


This Privacy Policy only applies to M&C and is in addition to any other privacy policy or privacy notice that may apply to your interactions with any Sony Group Company or any third party regarding their products, software or services.


1.     What personal information we collect

Sony collects data inclusive of, but not limited to, data as described below which may include personal information (collectively, the gCollected Datah) related to your use of M&C.


l  Information to identify you and other personal identifiers

This includes information such as:

-                 If you have a Sony Account (Creatorsf Cloud), your log-in information. For more information about Sony Account (Creatorsf Cloud), please go to Terms/Privacy (; and

-                 Your universally unique identifier (UUID) for M&C and your account ID for Sony Account (Creatorsf Cloud).


l  Information related to contact and support interactions with us

This includes any contact with our customer services team, and we may collect additional information from you via calls, chat, text or other means, some of which may be recorded.


l  Information we collect automatically about your use of M&C

This includes information such as:

-                 The operation log of each function and usage information such as settings, shooting equipment and utilization volume.


l  Information we collect automatically about devices used to access M&C and your settings

This includes information such as:

-                 Your IP address, software version, installation date and operation logs;

-                 Mobile device model name; and

-                 Country/region settings, language.


l  Information about the camera devices you use with M&C

This includes information such as:

-                 Serial number, model name, settings, errors/cautions; and

-                 Operating logs including shooting date/times, mount lens and mount media.


2.     Why we process personal information

Sony processes your Collected Data for the purposes listed hereafter:


l  Provision of products and services under the contract you have with us

Sony processes Collected Data in order to perform its contract with you to provide M&C and other services linked to M&C where applicable. This includes:

-                 Managing the customer relationship;

-                 Responding to inquiries and providing customer support; and

-                 Sending necessary communications.



l  Our legitimate business interests as set out below


-                 Protecting the interests of Sony Group Companies and M&C users

Sony processes information in order to protect the Sony Group Companies, their business interests and legal rights and M&C users. This includes the use of Collected Data in connection with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, auditing, investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information in connection with legal process or litigation).


-                 Managing security or technical issues

Sony processes information in order to detect, prevent, address and analyse security or technical issues in relation to our website, app and services.



-                 Undertaking mergers, acquisitions, reorganizations or disposals


l  Compliance with law

Sony processes Collected Data in order to comply with applicable law and regulations, this includes responding to requests from government or public authorities, law enforcement officials, courts, regulators or similar in accordance with our legal and regulatory obligations under applicable laws.


l  Product / service development and improvement and analytics

If you give us consent, Sony collects and analyses Collected Data in order to improve Sony Group Companiesf products and services, to develop new ones, to predict the demand for those products and services so that we can provide improved user experiences for current and/or future products and services and to help us develop our advertising and marketing strategies. We may also use Collected Data to help us determine what kinds of products and services you might be interested in.


You can manage your preferences (including withdrawing consent) at any time through the Privacy Settings in the Menu function.



3.     How we share your personal information

         We share Collected Data with third parties as follows:


l  Sony Group Companies

We share Collected Data with Sony Group Companies to the extent such sharing of data is necessary to fulfil a request you have submitted and/or for customer support, technical operations, or account management purposes.


l  Third-party contractors

We share Collected Data with third-party contractors who provide services such as IT and system administration and hosting, research and analytics, and customer support for the purposes described in Section 2 above.



l  Business transfer

In the event that we undertake a merger, acquisition, reorganization or disposal, Collected Data may be transferred to the purchasing or acquiring entity as part of the transaction.


l  Government authorities, law enforcement officials, regulators, courts and similar

We share Collected Data with government authorities, law enforcement officials, regulators, courts and similar for the purposes described above in Section 2.


l  Professional advisers

In individual instances, we may share Collected Data with professional advisers including lawyers, bankers, auditors, and insurers who provide consultancy, banking, legal, insurance and accounting services.


4.     How long we retain your personal information

We retain Collected Data for as long as we continue to make M&C available to customers, and for a further 6 months following discontinuation, at which point the information will either be anonymized or destroyed. Please note that we may be required to retain certain information by law.


5.     International transfers of personal information

Collected Data will be processed, stored and transferred for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy from your country/regions of residence to countries/regions outside your country/region of residence, including Japan and the US. Collected Data will be processed by staff operating outside your country/region of residence who work for us or for one of our service providers, including in the locations set out in Section 3 gHow we share your personal informationh above. Some of the countries and regions may not provide the same level of data protection as your country.


6.     Security

Sony undertakes reasonable security measures designed to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of  Collected Data. Although we strive to protect Collected Data, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information transmitted to us through your M&C or that we store on our systems or that is stored on our third-party contractorsf systems.


7.     Children

Sony is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the collection, storage and use of personal information concerning children. M&C is not directed to and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16. Depending on your country/region of residence, this threshold age for a child may differ. If you are a parent or guardian and are concerned that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, you should contact us as indicated in Section 10 gContact Informationh below.


8.     Privacy rights

In some countries, you have certain rights with respect to the Collected Data Sony processes about you. These may include the right to request a copy of the Collected Data that Sony holds about you and/or you may request that Sony corrects, deletes, blocks/restricts processing of such Collected Data. You may also object to Sonyfs processing of Collected Data. In some countries, you may also ask us to provide your Collected Data to you in a structured, machine-readable format and ask us to share (port) such data with another organisation. These rights may be limited, for example, if fulfilling your request would reveal Collected Data about another person, or if you ask us to delete Information which we are required by law to keep or have compelling legitimate interests in keeping. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us as described in Section 10 gContact Informationh below.


If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your questions, concerns or have any complaints about how we process Collected Data, you have a right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.


Where we collect Collected Data to administer our contract with, this is mandatory and we will not be able to provide services to you without this information. In all other cases, provision of the requested Collected Data is optional, but this may affect your ability to use the services or use particular aspects of the services where the information is needed for those purposes.


9.     Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. We will notify or request your consent (if necessary under applicable law) of any changes to this Privacy Policy.


10.   Contact Information



당사는 한국 현지 규정에 따라 다음과 같이 국내 대리인을 지정합니다.

이름: 소니코리아 주식회사(대표이사: Okura Kikuo)

사업장주소: 서울특별시 영등포구 국제금융로 10 원아이에프씨 24F 연락처 정보: 02-1588-0911 /



If you have any concerns about how we process your data, you can find our contact details below or on the website of your local Sony Group Companies at:

-                 Americas other than the US:

-                 Africa, Middle East and Asia & Oceania:




Please read this Privacy Policy carefully because by using the M&C, you will be deemed to have agreed and consented to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


By agreeing to this Privacy Policy and by using the M&C, you fully understand and consent to the transfer of the Collected Data internationally, processing and storage of such Collected Data in the United States and other jurisdictions, where the privacy laws may not be as comprehensice as those in the country where you reside and/or are a citizen.


This may impact your rights in your local jurisdiction and also in the applicable overseas jurisdiction(s). These overseas jurisdictions may also need to disclose Collected Data to a third party, such as an overseas authority.


By agreeing to this Privacy Policy and by using the M&C, you agree that you will not hold Sony or Sony Group Companies liable for any complaints or damages whatsoever relating to the processing of the Collected Data by an acquiring entity in the event a business transfer as described in Section 3 gHow we share your personal informationh takes place.